Selling at School

I have alot of experience in this area. I have been selling at school for 5 years and over the years I have made over $1,000 dollars. I usually buy my candy in big packs from Smart and Final, or from after Halloween sells. For questions on pricing email me at

Some ways to I have Discovered two methods. The first method is the Friendly seller. This is where you sell something small for example lollipops, mini sour straws and other things that take a long timeto your friends to eat and that have wrappers people will most likely throw on the ground. This is advertisement. People will begin to ask "Where did you get that", which will cause a chain reaction of new customers.

The second method is The Boss. This is where you buy the candy and have other people sell it for you. you can have them buy the candy from you or give them a cut of the money they make by selling the candy. It's a complicated method but it can pay of if done right.